Dig out your banana clips, dust off that "I (heart) Joey!!" pin and get ready... cuz the New Kids on the Block are getting back together!!
Does anyone even care if NKOTB gets back together? Do you really want to see 40-year-old Jordan Knight doing the "Hangin' Tough" dance? Can Joey McIntyre even hit those high notes in "
Please Don't Go Girl" anymore?
Well, me, for one. I'd totally go. No, seriously. I think we all would like to revisit the days when our biggest worry was what we were going to wear to school, and wheather or not we were going to have a big zit in the middle of our noses when we woke up. There will be a bunch of 30 something year olds shrieking like little girls, and I'd be right there with them, probably shrieking "I love you, Joey Mac!!" just like I did back in 7th grade at the TV screen every time there video was on. . Stop laughing. You know I wouldn't be the only one.
My best friend at the time Sandra and I would get as close to the TV as possible to see them. I remember being so jealous because Sandra had all kinds of NKOTB gear. She had buttons, shirts, and better yet, she had the dolls still in the boxes!!! I used to beg her to play with them, but she knew they would be worth money one day, so she kept them in the boxes. I wonder if she still has them? Those years were some of the best of my adolescent life. Wouldn’t anyone want the opportunity to go back to that simple time? Even if it is just for a few hours.
As embarrassing as this admission is going to be...
... I would be willing to make the 8 hour trip to Boston to see them perform again. I'd be tempted to ask people to send help, but the interventions didn't work in middle school (no matter how hard I tried to be cool and deny how much I wanted to be Mrs. Jordan Knight) and they won't work now.
Bottom line: SQUEEEEE! Count me in!!