Reasons to vote:
It's your tax money! Elected representatives decide how much tax you pay and how much each government agency and public department receives to protect and serve our country and its people...that's you!
It's your job! Elected officials affect hiring practices, workplace safety and minimum pay rates. They issue permits and licenses to businesses and provide tax incentives to companies that bring new jobs to our communities.
It's your health care! State and federal lawmakers affect our access to health care and the costs of those services.
They're your highways! Elected representatives at all levels vote for budgets that determine whether stop lights are installed and pot holes are filled on every street and interstate highway across the country.
It's your Social Security! Your United States Senators and Representatives make decisions that affect your retirement and long-term care.
It's the air you breathe and the water you drink! Elected officials set the standards for air and water quality and appoint the regulators to enforce these standards.
It's your neighborhood! Locally elected officials make decisions that affect the speed limit on your street, your 911 service and the crime rate in your community.
Take Responsibility -- Vote!