Newborn Casting Call
What is a Casting Call?
When I want to add photos to my portfolio I will hold casting calls to find some willing subjects.
What casting calls are active?
I am currently looking for subjects in the following categories:
Maternity: expecting mothers, to be photographed between 32-36 weeks of pregnancy.
Newborns: newborn babies up to 14 days old.
You can sign up for both if you are expecting before April 30th
What do casting call subjects receive?
• On location session free of charge.
• One complimentary black & white 11×14 print
• An online gallery to share with family and friends
• A special 20% discount on additional prints, products, and digital collections
What is required of casting call subjects?
These sessions will take place at your home. Casting call subjects must sign a model release allowing the session images to be used for web and print-based promotional materials. Sessions must be booked before April 1, 2009 and photographed before April 30, 2009.
How can I sign up for a casting call session?
You can contact me by leaving a comment to this post, or by sending an email to info at afallas@amyfallasphotography.com