When I was 15 years old, I met a boy who was 14. I thought he was cute, but I also thought he was way to young to be my boyfriend. After about a month of him being as charming as any 14 year old could be, I gave in. We declared ourselves to be boyfriend and girlfriend! He was my first real boyfriend. We immediately became inseparable. I loved to be around him. He was funny, cute, athletic, everything a girl my age wanted in a boyfriend. I remember he would leave me roses in my locker! I would walk around school with them and felt like the luckiest person in the world! One time, we went for a walk and carved "James loves Amy" on the back of a sign. I remember thinking that doing that was just so wrong. I kept telling him that we were going to get into trouble. He assured me that,that was not going to happen. (he was right).
Two years later we had our daughter. Now I know what you are all thinking, I know that we were way too young to have a child. Once again, he told me that it was going to be alright, and he was right. Together we made it work. Now I'm not saying that we had an easy time, because as you can imagine we didn't. We had a tremendous help from our families who understood that we needed to do this on our own. There were always hard times, but we always managed to get through it. One child was not it for us, a year and a half later we had our son, NINE years later we had another son. We've been married for 6 years now. Like every marriage we have our ups and downs. But together we are able to make it passed anything. Just like this photo, we may have a few scratches and dings, but underneath all of that, we will always be the 14 and 15 year olds that fell in love and felt like together anything was possible.
Thank you James for always standing by me, for always supporting me, and for giving me the most precious gift a girl can ask for, the unconditional love of a great man.
This is what the back of that sign looks like today!