Thursday, February 7, 2008

Welcome To My Blog

I've been faithfully reading the blogs of other photographers from all over the country for about 6 months now. Only recently did I realize I had something to blog about. My mind has changed as my business has taken off and others want to know how I'm doing it. It's flattering when people who love photography want to talk to me about my work. Seems crazy, nevertheless I've been approached by several new photographers who ask a lot of questions. I'm the same way with the photographers I follow (in the blogworld) I want to ask them questions. This is where the idea for my blog came from.

I WANT to share what I've learned in the last year. I've spent many many hours out on photo shoots taking endless pictures. I've spent even more hours learning Photoshop. It's ridiculous the amount of hours I've spent reading about photography. I love looking back at the pictures I took only 6 months ago and seeing where my skill level is this month.

So this is where it gets fun. I know I'm no where close to where I want to be but I am confident that with my passion for photography and my hard work and determination I'll get there. As I'm learning I want to share. I'll be sharing my work, the sites I've visited, some photoshop stuff, the books I've read, the tutorials I've watched and no doubt I'll be sprinkling my posts with the rest of my life as well. Welcome to my little blog